Project Timeline

October 2020:  began a full-time programme of study as a research candidate at Liverpool John Moores University in partnership with Transart Institute, supervised by John Hyatt and Ana Sanchez-Colberg

March 2021:  revised research proposal approved

April 2021:   ethical approval granted, began working with participants on research

June 2021:  completed project #1 collecting data and finalizing choreography

September 2021:  completed project #2 by collecting data and finalizing the choreography,

change in supervision, began working with Mark Roughley following John Hyatt's leave

November 2021:  completed project #3 by collecting data and finalizing the choreography

January 2022:  confirmation of registration submission

completed project #4 by collecting data and finalizing the choreography

February 2022:  change in supervision, began working with Laura González following Ana Sanchez-Colberg's leave

March 2022:  completed project #5 by collecting data and finalizing the choreography,

confirmation of registration complete, confirmation viva, progression to full Ph.D. registration confirmed

May 2022:  completed project #6 by collecting data and finalizing the choreography

June 2022:  completed project #7 by collecting data and finalizing the choreography

July 2022:  completed project #8 by collecting data and finalizing the choreography

August 2022 - December 2022:    curating, arranging and anlysing data

December 2022 - September 2023:  crafting dissertation and constructing website